off the water
with Fishing the Good Fight
We spend time on the water to get out of our heads and focus on the world outside of ourselves. The healing sounds of the river, the focus fly fishing requires, and of course the desire to catch fish, all help us stay in the moment. Being in the moment helps us let go of the stuff that weighs us down.
Our time off the water is spent connecting with each other, practicing vulnerability, and building the skills we need to improve our mental health. Engaging in our community helps us understand that we are not alone. Being vulnerable with trusted brothers helps us release stress, solve problems and grow personally.
Join other FTGF participants and volunteers for a virtual gathering that features a guest speaker well versed in the mental health space including authors, podcast hosts, therapists, etc. to present and then lead discussions.
Not only is this a great way to stay connected to the Fishing the Good Fight brotherhood, it is a way to continue to build the tools in your mental health toolbox. Be a better man: for yourself, your family, your friends, and for your community!